What is a cleaver plant?
© Image from Unsplash Asked by: Merle Jakubowski Score: 4.8/5 ( 9 votes ) Description. Cleavers are annuals with creeping straggling stems which branch and grow along the ground and over other plants . They attach themselves with the small hooked hairs which grow out of the stems and leaves. The stems can reach up to three feet or longer, and are angular or square shaped. What are Cleaver plants used for? Cleavers is one of numerous plants considered in ancient times to act as a diuretic. It was therefore used to relieve edema and to promote urine formation during bladder infections. It has also been used by people with lymph swellings, jaundice, and wounds. Can you eat cleavers? Galium aparine is edible . The leaves and stems of the plant can be cooked as a leaf vegetable if gathered before the fruits appear. ... However, the numerous small hooks which cover the plant and give it its clinging nature can make it less palatable if eaten raw. Cleavers are in the same family as cof...